Tony Wang



Weely F Blog For ART 3001

By Tony Wang


This week is our spring break, so besides catching up some work, I went to Cleveland and watched a NBA game, Cleveland Cavaliers played against Philadelphia 76ers.

I went to Cleveland couple times past few years during my college times, it is a beautiful city, even though every time I went there was all for Cavaliers games.

But I also did many other things during this spring break.

I bought a domain for two years, so that I can have my own website, not building it from the github server.

This website is intended to be a simple portfolio website, no complicated stuff and just for displaying my works.

I think at this point I have learned a lot to build a nice portfolio website, and of course there are many external helps.

It's nice to have some fun, taking a break from school works, but there are many things due at the end of the break, just like this weekly blog as well as the drawing exercise using p5js.

As the main assignment during the break, there are many stuffs I want to do using p5js, but the limitation on using for loops and such really limited the things I want to do.

Then I have to limited my ideas to simple shapes animation, and user interactions by using p5js.

So I did a little endless animation on the top of the canvas and some other interactions using mouse and clicking.

I believe that by using for loops and other, I will be able to create a small website game, so I am looking forward to the next exercise or project.