Tony Wang



Weely H Blog For ART 3001

By Tony Wang


So after presenting my exercise 5, one thing I need to fix is the object generation for the enemies in my exercise.

Since in class, both objects and array are introduced, so I think I am able to try to fix.

This is how:

First I created a class called Enemy and add things like size of an enemy, positions, and so on.

Then I called to generate the enemies in the set up area.

With the array of enemies, I can call how many enemies I want to generate.

But one thing I am still trying to figure out is to generate infinite enemies if the game started.

Seems like if I make a infinite while loop, the website would crash. So I am thinking about writting a function to let it somehow regenerate enemies.

For my final project, I am still thinking and planning, but one thing I am sure is that I want to make something new, not remake or improve privous projects or exercises.

Something I have in mind is a retro style video game probably, the dinosaur game on chrome when you are offline or couldn't connect to the internet is my inspirition.

But it might be too simple, I want to add some fun stuffs on there.

That's all for what's in my mind for this week's weekly.